What A Year!

As we’re coming to the close of 2021, I want to review with you all (old and new) how my life has…changed.

After surviving COVID in 2020, I decided I no longer wanted to live in a bubble of myself. I started to get serious about dating and finding someone who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And that started to really come to fruition at the beginning of the year with a man who had. gotten a degree in China, moved to the States, and completed his Masters’ degree. Now, I’ll admit, I was intimidated by his ‘knowledge’ but I kept trigging off. It did not go as planned and things hastily went left. We were not getting along and he would often search for other woman while we were next to each other. It didn’t shatter my view of men but it did make me see him in a different light. Finally, we had “the talk”. He admitted that because I had tattoos, his very religious family would not approve of me and he didn’t want to defend me every time we met. I think there’s more to the story but hm. I’m not looking in depth. I thought we could potentially be friends but that was not going to happen. I realized, I would always think of him being more than a friend so I cut it off.

Weight-loss–nothing promising happened this year. I was fasting and had lost weight but it’s difficult. It is so hard to commit and see the results. I realized I needed to develop a healthier routine with food and I’m still working on that.

A newfound love? Around the end of March, I met my now “friend” (I only say friend because we haven’t actually met in person). He’s in the military, speaks four languages, and loves books just as much as I do (he’s sent me one of his favorites). I think the one thing I find the most attractive is the way he listens to me. I know it’s at the bottom of the barrel for expectations but he really does make me feel like I can conquer anything that comes to my mind. I enjoy talking with him and hearing his opinion.

Work. I’ll be honest, the current predicament of my job has started to wear on my mentally. I dislike what I do and most days I have a panic attack before I clock in. Asking for time off is nearly impossible and I just…want to find a job that I love doing, ya know? I have been at my job for almost two years and in that time I have only managed to move just one step up. I have applied for other opportunities but I hear nothing back, it’s disheartening and leads to a lot of people not wanting to do the job. I am on the hunt for a job in the medical field so that I can gather experience and continue working on my second degree.


My life has been a rollercoaster these past few months. My gastrointestinal problems have only gotten worse. I’ve almost 100% removed dairy from it and now ask restaurants if the food I’m choosing has dairy. In January, I have another endoscopy which will hopefully give us some answers to what’s been going on. Nothing is making sense and I’m tried of being sick. I miss not having constantly pain. Maybe one day the light will start to flicker.


In a few days I will compile all of the books I’ve read with a short synopsis. Most of my books have been focused around black authors. I hope my review will lead someone to maybe buying and reading the book themselves. I would like to open a book club that promotes a diverse reading space. Who knows, maybe I will.

It’s now time for me to start getting ready for work. I’ll check in later.



A little life update

HHHEELLLLLLLOOOO EVERYONEEE!!! It’s been so long since I’ve updated everyone on where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing..let’s take a look back at my life the past few months.

My birthday was June 14th, so I spent 4 days in New York City visiting a college friend and enjoying the city. It reminded me so much of Shanghai that it was crazy but I definitely enjoy that feeling…the nostalgia.

In July, I was officially accepted in a Pre-Med program at my local university. This route gives me access to work part-time, and also go to school part-time without making such a financial strain.

Weightloss? At one point, I was experiencing a drop in weight due to fasting. I really liked it but decided to take a break to give myself freedom with school.

Work has been terrible but I’m thankful to have a job during the pandemic and also make enough to pay my bills. I’ve worked on improving my credit score and will hopefully have a much better credit standing by the end of the year.

Plans? Right now, I’m taking it one day at a time. I was very stressed last week due to having assignments that needed to be turned in. Virtual learning is very difficult and I commend anyone who actually has learned anything during this time. I’m only taking two classes right now and I have tutors for both. I’m very fortunate that I have the time to have tutors, ask them questions, and get the chance for some face-to-face learning, which is how I learn best.

I was very upset with myself for starting back to school and choosing such a strenuous track that I almost thought about quitting but then I remembered my goals and that I had been working hard towards these moments and that’s what kept me going. I’m proud of myself, and you should be proud of whatever you’ve accomplished too.

Next year? I plan to take Spring Break off and possibly go to California to see if I want to attend a doctorate program there. If the world hasn’t gone to hell in a hand-basket by then! There’s definitely some places I want to visit.

Homesick? Yes. After making China my 1st 2nd home, I miss the atmosphere, the people, my life. It’s changed so much in the year that I’ve been home that I can hardly believe it.

Skincare? OH YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK. I’m still ordering skincare, it’s become an exciting ritual that I have now. I love taking care of my skin and trying new products. I’m also glowly now and I think that contributes to my happiness.

I’m eventually going to start getting serious about weightless again, but in the meantime, I’ll choose steps over the elevator at school and spend time walking around getting to know my new campus. I love the greenery but not the COVID-19.

I hope you all are doing well! Leave a comment below if you want to have a check in session.

See ya soon!